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Guidelines for IELTS Preparation in 2022 | Part 02 | Pattern of IELTS Test

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Complete Guidelines for IELTS Preparation in 2022 | Part 02 | Pattern of IELTS Test

IELTS is an English language test specifically for those who are interested in studying or working in a country where English is their official language of communication. In fact, the main purpose of this test is to determine if an international candidate can communicate with his/her excellent English language skills based on your audience, reading, writing and speaking skills.

If you must be considered an immigrant or international student in an English-speaking country, you must pass the IELTS exam. Right now you need the proper guidelines on how to effectively prepare for this in 2022. Following this guide will help you save time, money and energy. And ensure that you get the required score while you are preparing for your IELTS exam. Here is our 2nd of 5 consecutive tips story.

[N. B.: Many of the student want to know about IELTS cost, so that they search for on online media. There is no fixed cost of this exam. Because many of institutions have discount offer. So that IELTS cost UK or IELTS UK cost is vary from IELTS in Dhaka. Bangladeshi students have many opportunity from various IELTS center in Dhaka, IELTS test taking institute in Chittagong.]

Read the Previous Story: Part 01 | What is IELTS?

What is the Pattern of IELTS Test?

The total duration of IELTS is 2 hours 45 minutes. So, even when you take exams, you need to be time conscious and learn how to manage your time properly. For each examinee, the test is conducted in four parts: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The Candidates are expected to complete the reading, writing and listening sections on the same day. Candidates are not provided any break between sections. However, candidates can complete the speaking section one week before or after the exams.

In order to choose their dates for the speaking test, candidates need to consult their test centers. The type of test is slightly different for academic and general modules.

Nevertheless, the best strategy for achieving higher scores in IELTS is nothing more than adequate preparation for its exam. It's popularly said that the one who fails to plan plans to fail.

Also, it is important to note that candidates can re-take the exam whenever they want.

There is no limit to the IELTS test, candidates can take the IELTS test as many times as they want until they reach the school of their dreams. However, every time the examinee has to pay the required examination fee.

IELTS Speaking Test:

IELTS speaking is the same for both general and academic exams. All speaking tests are conducted face to face with a certified IELTS examinee and are recorded if they need to be reviewed. The speaking test takes 11 to 14 minutes and consists of 3 parts. For instance:

Part 1: This is the part of the exam where the examiner will ask you some general questions about familiar subjects like family, studies and hobbies.

Part 2: This is the part where you will be given a card on a subject and a pencil and paper to prepare your response. Then you can talk about this for two minutes. This is to evaluate your use of spoken English.

Part 3: In this part, you will have a discussion with the examiner where you will be asked questions related to the topic discussed in the second part.

IELTS Hearing Test:

The listening section assesses your ability to understand key concepts, details, opinions, motives and attitudes of the speakers as well as your ability to follow the development of concepts.

Questions related to recording, matching information, titles, features and sentence endings from multiple choices, as well as endings of sentences, summaries, tables, figures, or flowcharts.

Nevertheless, take notes while recording and be aware that the subject matter is important when answering questions, spelling and grammar.

You will listen to 4 recordings in your hearing test and you need to answer 40 questions based on these recordings. It is the same for both IELTS Academic and General examinations.

The first two recordings deal with situations that you may experience in everyday contexts. The last two recordings, however, focus on a situation that may occur in the context of an education or training.

IELTS Reading Test:

The reading part of the IELTS test shows how well you understand the basic concepts, details, introductions and meaning. It evaluates your ability to follow the development of an argument, to recognize an author's opinion, point of view, and purpose.

Like the listening and speaking test, the reading test is not the same for both the IELTS Academic and General exams.

The General IELTS exam consists of three sections and 40 questions. It focuses on situations you may encounter in everyday life, work-related issues such as applying for a job and issues of common interest.

First, Section 1 shows your social survival skills. Second, the next section takes a closer look at your workplace survival skills. Finally, Section 3 contains a longer and more complex text on a topic of general interest.

On the other hand, the academic reading test consists of 3 long lessons taken from current books, journals, magazines and newspapers. Also, you need to answer 40 questions in your academic reading test.

The texts relate to topics that you may encounter if you are studying at undergraduate or postgraduate level or applying for a professional essay in an English-speaking environment.

IELTS Writing Exam:

The writing part of the test lasts sixty minutes and it is divided into two tasks, the first requires a 150 word written response and the second requires a 250 word written response. Also, writing exams like reading IELTS exams are not the same for IELTS academic and general exams.

Meanwhile, the topics of each work are of general interest. Thus, it consists of two tasks, task 1 writing and task 2 writing.

Task 1 Writing will give you a situation where you have to write a letter to request information or to explain the situation. However, writing Task 2 is a bit different. Here, you will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem.

Finally, you will be evaluated on whether you can provide general information, outline a problem, present a solution, justify an opinion or evaluate an idea, evidence or argument.

In Academic Writing Task 1, you will be presented with a visual presentation of information; You will be asked to provide a graph, table, chart or diagram and a brief description, description or explanation of the information you are seeing. Make sure your feedback is organized into three main parts, the introduction, a summary and the main features supported by the diagram diagrams.

In Academic Writing Task 2, you will be presented with a perspective, argument or problem. Issues can range from the environment to immigration, culture, and even technology.

Read Part 01 from here. or Click on What is IELTS?

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